Improve the speed and coverage of your WiFi without spending a euro with these tips and tricks


navigation in Internet it becomes very slow, you are not able to telework as you should, the TV does not play your favorite series correctly… each of these problems is really maddening in a world where connecting has become, for some, as necessary as breathing.

However, don’t panic because there are several (and free) ways to improve speed of the WiFi router with a few simple steps and that is what this article will focus on.

Of course, before starting, check that you are not facing a problem with your operator and the Internet service. Before you blame the WiFi, make sure your home internet is working as it should. For this you can run a speed test that will help you check it.

If everything works correctly, here are some steps to improve the speed and coverage of your WiFi without spending a euro.


Improve your WiFi signal and coverage

1. Evaluate the location of your WiFi router

Important to note that not all places are equally suitable for the Wi-Fi router. For a start, avoid placing it near metal objects and electrical appliances that emit electromagnetic waves. Metal is the main disruptor of a sign WiFi, and its presence near a router can create problems.

Other materials, including glass, wood, plastics, foam, and cardboard, can also disrupt a WiFi signal, but admittedly, it tends to be less severe.

Wi-Fi Router

2. Update the router

Malware attacks affecting home networks are the order of the day. Many of these attacks would not be possible if all routers were kept up to date. Once a malware infects one, it can steal bandwidth and spread across the network to other devices. For this you should be aware of any new update available.

In general, manufacturers release updates periodically to improve their performance as well as adapt them to the new protocols and technologies used by the latest versions of the operating system.

To know if it is outdated, from the computer browser you can find out. In the following guide to access its configuration, you will surely find the answer.

WiFi vs.  Ethernet: differences and which one should you use

3. Beware of freeloaders

An encrypted and password protected WiFi is a must these days. With more people connected than ever before, the hunger for fast, open Wi-Fi networks is more real than you might think. Don’t think your neighbors won’t use your network just because they have theirs. Very attentive to this.

That is why it is recommended to set a strong password for the WiFi router and yes, change the default password from the very beginning. The longer a password is used, the more risks you run of it being hacked.

You should change your default password immediately after getting the router, although after that, you must use a completely new password every 30 to 90 days.

Netgear Orbi AX5700 Mesh Routers

4. Switch to a different WiFi channel

There are multiple WiFi channels that a router can broadcast on. The exact number depends on the frequency band being used (with minor variations based on geographic location due to regulations).

In Europe there are 13 channels or frequencies (they share a spectrum of 100 MHz, but each one has 20 MHz and they overlap), so It is not uncommon for the home WiFi network to be affected if the channel becomes saturated or receives interference from other channels. For example, data transmitted in the 2.4 GHz frequency band often slows down due to traffic jams.

Xiaomi Mi Wifi Router 4C

The solution is simple: find out which channel is less busy and switch to it. One possible solution would be to move to the 5GHz band, which is initially less crowded as it has 25 non-overlapping channels and capacity for higher speeds (although less range).

5. Don’t forget to reboot

The eternal advice is that “if it doesn’t work try turning it off and on”also applies to routers Wifi. A general rule of thumb of 10 seconds stands out here. It is stated that 10 seconds is the shortest time you can be sure that everything is off, so it is recommended to wait this time between turning off and turning on.

6. Use an Ethernet cable

sometimes we forget that a wired connection to your router is faster and more stable than WiFi. Ethernet connections are faster because you are essentially connected to the Internet. Your traffic does not have to be transmitted via wireless signals to/from your device. This reduces transmission delays and gives you faster speeds.

The clear disadvantage is that it limits where devices can be and is less convenient since you are dependent on this cable. Also, Ethernet cables often (but not always) have a higher maximum bandwidth than WiFi routers, so higher speeds are possible (if your Internet plan supports them).

Take advantage of these free tips that They will surely give your WiFi router the necessary boost to improve the signal and coverage. You’ll be surprised how much better your experience can be by simply moving your router from one room to the center of your home. Or what difference does it make when connecting the device to an Ethernet cable.


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