How to find out online if you are on the electoral roll for the next elections


If we want to vote in the next elections, we must know if we are on the electoral roll, something that we can find out quite easily. In this way we will have the absolute certainty that we will be able to exercise our right.

Next May 28 are the municipal and regional elections, although with exceptions, in Spain, at which time we must vote for those who will be our closest representatives, those who will be in charge of caring for the area where we live.

In this article, we want to help you find out if there is a problem so that you can vote for the political party you want, at least for the census.

The elections are extremely close, but there would still be time to check if there is any incident with the census. It is clear that we must know if we are correctly registered, in the census, something that we will achieve in a simple way.

Before continuing, we must be aware that in order to achieve see that we are in the census of our populationit is not necessary to go to any Administration office, because you can check it online.

But for this you must have a digital certificate, electronic DNI or Cl@ve PIN. Without any of these identification it will not be possible for you to get it and you will have to go to an office.

How to know if you are on the electoral roll for the elections:

What is the electoral roll?

The electoral census is the way to find out who meets the requirements to be a voter and is not in right to vote.

It is made up of “The electoral census of Spaniards residing in Spain (CER) and The electoral census of absent-resident Spaniards living abroad (CERA)”.

The current electoral census is closed from the first day of the second month prior to the date of the electionswith the registrations of those who are of legal age on the exact day of the vote.

If you are not in the census in the place where you live, either because you did not notify a change of address at the time or because of some error, you will not be able to vote or you will have to do it in the previous place where you lived.

How to check online if you are on the electoral roll

To check online if we are on the electoral roll, we must follow a few simple steps.

This is what we must do:

  • We entered the INE website, which is the Spanish National Institute of Statistics.
  • Then we must go to electronic headquarters.
  • Next, in Most frequent procedures, we will click on Consultation of registration in the Electoral Census.
  • Once we are on the registration query page, on the right, click on the link Consult the registration in the Electoral Censuswhich will take us to see a box of the Cl@ve authentication system.
  • Now is when we must click on the button Authenticate in Cl@ve.
How to check the electoral roll
  • It leads us to identify ourselves well by DNIe or digital certificate, by 24-hour PIN Access or by permanent CL@ve.
  • Once we are identified we will enter a website where we will be told all census data and we will also see our address and, therefore, where we are going to vote. They will also give us the District and Section.
How to check the electoral roll

This is way of know all the data of the electoral census in view of the elections on May 28 or any that arrive in the coming months, such as the Generales that will be held at the end of the year.

Also, you don’t have to leave home to get it, so it’s extremely comfortable and you’ll know if you can vote and where you’re going to have to do it.


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